Sunday, March 29, 2009


I got a chance to try out healing 10 man Naxx yesterday. I was kinda nervous because I hadn't really healed anything since Karahzan back in the BC; but anyway, I tried it and successfully helped heal through the spider and plague quarters and a lot of newer members were able to get some gear. I've taken a liking to being resto and I am definently keeping it when dual specs are implimented.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Balance Druid Tier 8 Stats

I recently read the stats on the new Tier 8 Armor and at first I thought the 2 piece bonus was awful but was glad they saw it and had it changed. At first, the PTR update was:

Druid T8 Balance 2P Bonus - Increases the bonus granted by Eclipse for Starfire and Wrath by 6%.

This would not bring our DPS up by much. Thankfully, a change was made and posted by Ghostcrawler:

2 Piece Ulduar set bonus - we increased the Eclipse boost to 15%, which should actually grant a dps increase.

Great news. This should bring our DPS up and make the T8 gear worthwhile. However, personally, I still am nervous about the RNG and its control over how much damage it lets me put out. Some nights I love or loathe it.

Hello Event Horizon

I have been accepted to Event Horizon and I would have to say that I really like how EH is run. This is the first guild that I have been in that is almost completely organized with their raiding and guild meetings. I also like how EH is well progressed and experienced with endgame. I just hope RL clears up for awhile so I can play Wow more often. I've been working almost everyday the past few weeks due to people being sick (including myself).

Friday, March 20, 2009


I have recently left my guild. I liked the laid-back atmosphere, but there were a lot of issues with the leaders and some of the other raiders. Most of the time, members would sign up for raids and not show up 75% of the time. I made some friends there but I am really looking foward to raiding with a guild that is more organized with the new Ulduar raid being released soon. I have sent an application to a raiding guild that has a few members in it that I know who are great people and I have also raided with some of them before.

Hello Blog!

Hello Blogspot,

I finally created my own blog and I am liking it so far. I've followed other player's blogs before and today I had some free time and decided to make my own. I currently go to school, hang around with real life friends, and work most of the time. However I play WoW whenever I can and I really enjoy raiding.
I play a Night Elf Druid on the Velen server and I am currently specced Balance. I raided as Restoration back during the Burning Crusade but went with the Moonkin after they changed it and I found it a fun spec to play. I plan to go Balance/Resto when patch 3.1 comes out and I also try to level up my priest during my long downtimes.