Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Patch 3.1.2

Patch 3.1.2 was released today and aside from me not being able to play, saw some nice changes to the Druid community. First of all, all specs recieved a buff in the form of the new change to Innervate.

  • Innervate: This ability will grant 450% of the casting Druid's base mana pool to the target over 20 seconds.

This change allows Innervate to be viable to all casters now instead of just Holy priests and caster druids. When cast on a target, this will allow approx 14,000 mana regen at lvl 80. Remeber though, Druid's base mana pool means the druid's mana pool without any int. involved. The other change to Druids was pointed more toward Moonkins,

Overall, this change just means more SP for Boomkins. /cheer

Monday, April 13, 2009

Epic Flying cont.

I got very lucky and got an epic shoulder to drop while I was doing the starting quests for The Sons of Hodir. I managed to sell the shoulders for 2,800G which brought my goal much closer. I should be able to reach 5,000G by the end of the week at the rate I'm going, then I'll have to spend about 1,500G more to buy my Epic Red Drake.

Currently 3500/5000G

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Epic Flying

I currently am trying to get my epic flyer. I also have begun to notice that most of my guildmates have their's. I really havent spent any time saving up money for it and am starting to regret it. I am currently at 150/5000G so I hope to have The Right Stuff by the end of the month.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Bringing the C Game

Last night, we set out to finish the weekly 25 man Naxx run. We just had the Abomination Wing and the Sapp n Kel Wing left to do. Last night's run was not our best unfortunantly, it took 3 times to take Patchwerk down, 2 to kill Grobbulus, we one-shotted Gluth though. However, the trouble was mainly at Thaddius. On the first attempt, too many people died at the first polarity shift. On try number two, we had a couple DPS'rs die too early and Thad was at 5.1mil when he enraged. Try number three was our best with only 1% about 400k was left before he wiped the raid. Try #4 was a wipe. The GL decided to call it after that and we all reflected on how we could do better. We have had some great nights, but this unfortunantly was a off night for us. Unlucky for me, I'll have to wait a week to get 60 emblems for my T7.5 shoulders. I'm currently at 56 and just need 4 more. While reflecting on how we could have done better, I did think about how we did good also. We handled Gluth's puppy chow mobs pretty good and on our third Thad attempt, we managed to get him down to 1% even though a lot of DPS was down. It probably didn't help that I got screwed by the RNG that night (I counted 14 wrath spams to proc Eclipse, 8 of them were crits). On another note, we all decided to add the EPGPLoot2 addon to the raid required addons to try it out. If my personal opinion had a grading scale out of 1-10, the addon would be an 8/10. My only problem with it is that it will not let Druid's need on cloth drops. While I can see a reason to prohibit druids from bidding on cloth drops to leave some for the clothie classes, if Blizzard would add a load of leather gear for caster druids, there would be almost no arguement coming from me. Aside from that, I really like how the addon make being the master looter a lot easier. It also makes the raid go a lot faster.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I got a chance to try out healing 10 man Naxx yesterday. I was kinda nervous because I hadn't really healed anything since Karahzan back in the BC; but anyway, I tried it and successfully helped heal through the spider and plague quarters and a lot of newer members were able to get some gear. I've taken a liking to being resto and I am definently keeping it when dual specs are implimented.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Balance Druid Tier 8 Stats

I recently read the stats on the new Tier 8 Armor and at first I thought the 2 piece bonus was awful but was glad they saw it and had it changed. At first, the PTR update was:

Druid T8 Balance 2P Bonus - Increases the bonus granted by Eclipse for Starfire and Wrath by 6%.

This would not bring our DPS up by much. Thankfully, a change was made and posted by Ghostcrawler:

2 Piece Ulduar set bonus - we increased the Eclipse boost to 15%, which should actually grant a dps increase.

Great news. This should bring our DPS up and make the T8 gear worthwhile. However, personally, I still am nervous about the RNG and its control over how much damage it lets me put out. Some nights I love or loathe it.

Hello Event Horizon

I have been accepted to Event Horizon and I would have to say that I really like how EH is run. This is the first guild that I have been in that is almost completely organized with their raiding and guild meetings. I also like how EH is well progressed and experienced with endgame. I just hope RL clears up for awhile so I can play Wow more often. I've been working almost everyday the past few weeks due to people being sick (including myself).

Friday, March 20, 2009


I have recently left my guild. I liked the laid-back atmosphere, but there were a lot of issues with the leaders and some of the other raiders. Most of the time, members would sign up for raids and not show up 75% of the time. I made some friends there but I am really looking foward to raiding with a guild that is more organized with the new Ulduar raid being released soon. I have sent an application to a raiding guild that has a few members in it that I know who are great people and I have also raided with some of them before.

Hello Blog!

Hello Blogspot,

I finally created my own blog and I am liking it so far. I've followed other player's blogs before and today I had some free time and decided to make my own. I currently go to school, hang around with real life friends, and work most of the time. However I play WoW whenever I can and I really enjoy raiding.
I play a Night Elf Druid on the Velen server and I am currently specced Balance. I raided as Restoration back during the Burning Crusade but went with the Moonkin after they changed it and I found it a fun spec to play. I plan to go Balance/Resto when patch 3.1 comes out and I also try to level up my priest during my long downtimes.